Cap irregularly shaped and reminds of a brain structure. Initially smooth, it becomes progressively more wrinkled as it grows and ages. The cap colour may be various shades of reddish-, chestnut-, purplish-, bay-, dark or sometimes golden brown. The flesh is thin, brittle, whitish to tan and chambered. Stem attached to the cap at several points. Gyromitra esculenta has an almost solid stipe with several irregular, tube-like hollows inside, whereas those of true morels (Morchella spp.) have just one hollow chamber. Spore print yellowish buff.
Microscopic Features: The spores are ellipsoidal and have a smooth surface. They measure approximately 8-13μm in length and 17-22μm in width. The spores are hyaline, meaning they are colourless and transparent. Typically, they contain two small oil drops, known as guttules, but occasionally they may have multiple guttules.
Similar species include Morchella esculenta and Morchella elata.
Gyromitra esculenta on the MushroomExpert.Com Web site.
Gyromitra esculenta on the web site.
Many mushrooms are poisonous and some are lethally poisonous. It can be very difficult to distinguish between an edible and a poisonous mushroom. Because of that, we strongly advise against consuming wild mushrooms, and this site does not contain any information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms.
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