Cap convex, sulphur-yellow, with a darker orange centre. It expands with age, appearing smooth but with velar remnants attached to the margin. The flesh is sulphur-yellow, firm, and of moderate consistency. Gills crowded, adnate, initially sulphur yellow, becoming olive-green and progressively blackening as the spores ripen. Stem is more or less similarly coloured as the cap, but it is darker brown towards the base. The ring is zone-like, faint, and with maturity same colour as spores. Spore print purple brown.
Microscopic Features: The spores are ellipsoidal, smooth, measuring 6-7.8 x 4-4.5μm, and feature a small germ pore.
Hypholoma fasciculare on the First Nature Web site.
Hypholoma fasciculare on the MushroomExpert.Com Web site.
Many mushrooms are poisonous and some are lethally poisonous. It can be very difficult to distinguish between an edible and a poisonous mushroom. Because of that, we strongly advise against consuming wild mushrooms, and this site does not contain any information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms.
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