Lycoperdon nigrescens (Dusky Puffball)
North America, Europe
1-4 cm diameter * 1.5-3 cm tall
This site contains no information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms.
Lycoperdon nigrescens, also known as the Dusky Puffball, is a rounded fungus, typically featuring a distinct stem and long dark spines. It bears a strong resemblance to the Common Puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum), but it is characterized by a darker skin tone and small, persistent dark warts, distinguishing it from other commonly encountered puffballs. This mushroom typically grows in troops on acidic soil found in heaths, coniferous forests, and mixed woodlands.

Fruiting body pallid brown and covered with dark brown spines. They are fused in groups at the tips, falling away to reveal a brown papery surface decorated with a faint net pattern. Through a sub-spherical opening through a pore at the apex, the fertile head tapers or pinches down into a distinct, but a very short, sterile, spongy basal region. The spore mass is at first white and firm becoming brown and powdery. Spores are brown.

Microscopic Features: The spores are approximately 4.5-5µm in diameter, exhibiting a spherical shape with minimal warts.

Lycoperdon nigrescens on the web site.

Many mushrooms are poisonous, and some can be lethally toxic. Distinguishing between edible and poisonous mushrooms can be very challenging. Therefore, we strongly advise against consuming wild mushrooms. This website does not contain any information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms.

Although efforts have been made to ensure accuracy on this website, the information may contain errors and omissions. Therefore, all content provided is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be relied upon or used as a basis for consuming any plants or mushrooms.

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