Ramaria lutea (Coral fungi)
3-8 cm dianter * 4-11 cm tall
This site contains no information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms.
Ramaria lutea is a medium-sized, ochre-yellow fungus that is repeatedly branching and coral-like. The mushroom forms ectomycorrhizal associations with oak, beech, and spruce trees in calcareous soil. The plant habitat consists of beech forests, oak-hazel groves, or calcareous spruce forests, primarily coniferous forests. It grows solitary or more typically in extensive troops on woody debris.

Fruiting body ochraceous tinged buff, becoming darker with age, repeatedly branching coral-line with pointed forked tips. The branches are cylindrical or laterally compressed arising from a pallid stout stem. The flesh in the stem is white, glossy, elastic and tough, and in older fruiting bodies, gelatinous. Spore print yellow or ochre.

Microscopic Features: The spores are warty, cylindrical, approximately 7.5–9 × 4–4.5 µm in size.

Similar species: The Ramaria genus comprises approximately 200 species of which many are so similar to each other that they can be distinguished only with a microscope.

Ramaria genus on Wikipedia.

Many mushrooms are poisonous and some are lethally poisonous. It can be very difficult to distinguish between an edible and a poisonous mushroom. Because of that, we strongly advise against consuming wild mushrooms, and this site does not contain any information about the edibility or toxicity of mushrooms.

Although efforts have been made to ensure accuracy on this website, the information may contain errors and omissions. Therefore, the information presented here is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as any basis for consuming any plants or mushrooms.

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